Theatre is an interactive artform. Even a one-person show full of various monologues needs an audience for it to truly exist as theatre and as art. Therefore, I would first like to thank all of you for coming to support this local theatre company and to allow these hard-working actors a chance to interact with you and help their production come to life. Thank you to the friends, family, neighbors, teachers, and classmates for coming to cheer for your actors and actresses; thank you to those of you who are here to simply help support local theatre.
I am thrilled for the audience to see this show, and I cannot wait for these actors to hear your laughs. This is one of the funniest scripts with which I've ever worked, and these young men and women have developed into such wonderful characters on stage. As the director, I have seen this show multiple times, yet I still laughed so hard that I cried at our dress rehearsal. These students have the ability to improvise and ad lib on stage, and the energy that comes off of them is magical.
Thank you to my family and friends for your support throughout this stressful yet invigorating theatre season. You help me be grounded and crazy at the same time, and I am forever grateful.
I invite you to have relax, have fun, laugh lots, and let these young thespians delight you with Brothers Grimm tales that are definitely not your typical fairytales.
Enjoy the show,
- HH
"You need three things in theatre - the play, the actors, and the audience, and each must give something."
- Kenneth Haigh