The Lion King KIDS - March 13 - March 14, 2019

Manchester Elementary


This production of Disney's The Lion King KIDS is the culmination of countless hours of hard work and the generous donations of many individuals. Many thanks to...


Mark Baker

Our show tonight is enhanced with the beautifully crafted sets and some props built by Mark, bringing the show to life.


Kate Simmons and Charmaine Connelley

Thank you for helping out with costumes, sewing together animal cuffs and tails.


TJ Hoisington

Thank you for your willingness to film our production, making it available for families to enjoy for years to come.


Zana Rose and Isabella Jerome

Thanks for your help checking in students and stepping up when hands were tied. 


Jeremy Heberlein, Avery Sheehan,

Chantelle Castro and Sahda Walker

A BIG thank you for all the help you have provided moving the costumes and sets in and out of the gyms. This is a lot of work and we are thankful for stepping up to help things run smoother and more quickly. 


The Manchester Elementary Staff

This is an amazing group of people! They are some of the most dedicated, hard working, supportive educators I have had the priviledge to meet. Many of them have given up their personal time to make this performance happen. Mr. Larson, we are extememly thankful for working with us for gym space! Thank you all for the help and encouraging words. 


Lighthouse Espresso

We are incredibly thankful not only for your financial donation to help with advertising, but also for the delicious beverages you provide!


Manchester Grill

Thank you for providing a great location and delicious food to celebrate our wrap party and acting acheivements.


Nostalgia Bakery

Thank you for donating the sweets and treats for our hard working actors. 


Parents and Family of Students

A special thank you to all the parents and family members who have donated their time to help their children dream and succeed. 


The Cast

Thank you for your hard work during the past 6 months! I appreciate the dedication you have given to this project. You are the best!


The Seattle Theatre Group (STG)

The Seattle Theater Group, in conjunction with Disney, provided grant funds which were used to purchase The Lion King Kids, which included the scripts, music and licensing rights to produce our show based on the award-winning Broadway musical. Without their financial contribution, there would not have been a show.










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