The Wizard of Oz (RSC 1987) - February 28 - March 02, 2019

Manalpan High School Theater

 Crew Who's Who 

  • Andrew Ciraulo

    (Technical Director)

    This is Mr. Ciraulo’s second show as Tech Director he’s grateful to have this opportunity to continue working with the talented students of the MHS Drama Club. First, Mr. Ciraulo would like to congratulate everyone on an amazing performance of Wizard Of Oz! He would like to thank Ms. Colonna for working tirelessly with our actors to bring this show together! A special thank you to Brian Deady and Shadae Riley for their amazing talents as heads of Tech; to Jess Vaccaro for her paint wizardry; to Lexi Williams for her crafty work as the head of props; and to Kelsey Ivins for her tremendous work on publicity! He would also like to thank the Drama Mamas, the custodial staff, Dr. Angelozzi and the entire administrative staff for their time and endless support. It has been a lovely drama season filled with hard work, occasional technical challenges, and plenty of laughs! Break all of the legs, folks! 

  • Shadae Riley

    (Head of Tech, Beyonce)

    Shadae is in her senior year. This is her 8th show in Manalapan and her 2nd show as head of tech. She extremely appreciates all those who have helped support her through it all, including Family, Mr. Ciraulo, all of her techies, actors, heads, and e-board members for all of their hard work. Even though they butt heads, she would like to thank Brian for being a great co-head of tech and for suffering through all the madness with her. Jessica has been a great friend, president, and head of paint to Shadae and senior year would not be the same without having her by Shadae's side. Kelsey has been Shadae's rock since day one and though they have had their rough patches, Shadae and Kelsey have built an everlasting bond unlike any other over the past 5 years. Shadae is sad to say goodbye to drama club and the people that make drama club what it is, but she is confident that once she leaves, the club will be left in good hands.

  • Brian Deady

    (Head of Tech, Stage Crew)

    A junior, this is Brian’s second show as co head of tech, and fifth show being on stage crew. He would like to thank Mr. Ciraulo and his co head, Shadae for dealing with his lackluster explanations and insistence that in most situations “It’ll be fine.” He would like to thank the cast for being great and the rest of the crew for dealing with him and for pulling this show together. Lastly, he hopes everyone enjoys the show, and for the cast to break a leg.

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