Without the support, generosity, guidance, collaboration, and endless help from the following.....this show would have not been possible
Ms. Louise Edeiken - Thank you for blessing our cast with your talents and expertise. We are grateful for all of your gifts and your incredible dedication to our show.
Mr. Craig Schulman
Mr. Anthony Scarrone and the Beacon Players
Mr. Scott Borowka - Thank you for your brilliant and creative mind. You made everything on stage come to life with your artistic vision. Allan Sherman would be proud, as am I.
Harrison Paint - for supplying ALL the paint used on the set.
Arcadia Flowers, Mamaroneck Avenue - Nick Manessis - THANK YOU!
Mr. Peter Greene and Monsieur John Antosca
Ms. Claire Gellert - Thank you for your assistance in directing, picking up set pieces and endless discussions about character!
The MHS PACE Department - Allison Parsley, Zachary Moore, Bill Derby - Thank you for always lending your support, costumes, props, set pieces, wisdom.etc.
Elizabeth Clain and our MHS Administration, MHS Faculty and Staff
Dr. Robert Shaps and Mamaroneck Central Administration
The Mamaroneck UFSD Board of Education
The Mamaroneck UFSD Music Department
Ms. Kayo Matsushita - Thank you for going on this musical journey with us and for dedicating so much time to our rehearsals!
Melissa Keras-Donaghy - Thank you for assisting with our ticket sales but also contributing to our barricade, rallying our community and lending endless support.
AMP - Association of Music Parents
MHS Tri-M Music Honor Society
Mr. Craig Romanek for supporting the MHS Music Dept. in so many ways.
Mr. Daniel Genova and the MHS Custodial Staff
Mr. George McNally, Mr. Jeff Gibson and the MHS Buildings and Grounds Team for always answering our call!
The Gellert, O'Brien, Parsley, Gundling, Orfanos, and Hooker Families - We are so thankful for your constant love, patience, support, and understanding during rehearsals and show time.
Tom Jordan, Jill Karliner and the HMX Players for props,costumes, and support!
Michael Mastroianni, Tom Gellert, Matt Hoffmann and Valerie Sulzinski
Ties Jansen- for all of your Les Misexpertise!
Dennis Creighton - Fauchelevent thanks you for the cart!
Coach Chiapparelli
Liliana and Isabela Fernandez - Thank you for helping us get started and offering your help with choreography.
Mr. Tim Hooker and our Pit of student musicians - You have all, once again, astounded us with your energy and dedication to this score. We are so lucky to have such a musical crew as you.
Our incredible crew - we would not have a show without you. You make this process so much fun and you make everything on stage, back stage, up in balcony look fantastic and run smoothly.
Allison Parsley - From movement to costumes, to props, to blocking, to makeup, to hair, to sound, to lights - you make everything possible and everything fun. Your immense talent and expertise make every show a success and we love you.
Amanda Gundling - Singing, making music, laughing, crying and learning with you are the best parts of our rehearsals. Thank you for perfecting our show with your beautiful skills and adorable catchphrases. We are all lucky to work with you!
Mary Orfanos - There will never be enough words of thanks, praise or love. You make every show possible and run smoothly, to say the least. We are all so lucky to call you our Producer and Queen of Thoughts.
Dina Madden - Thank you for your unwavering support and guidance throughout each year. You lead and help all of us be better students, teachers and musicians.
And finally - Thank you to our audience and the community of Mamaroneck and Larchmont, the parents, families and teachers of our students for your endless support and love.