Maiden Mother Crone - February 12 - February 23, 2025

Maiden Mother Crone


Deborah Unger would like to thank:
  • Dominick LaRuffa, Jr., my director AND dramaturg for this version of the show. He has been an inspiration AND a whole bunch of fun. Thanks, cookie.
  • Joey Brenneman, my director for the version of the show that appeared in the Spark Theatre Festival. You just said yes and asked for nothing in return.  Thank you for your sensitive guidance.
  • Paul Adams, Emerging Artists Theatre and their Spark Theatre Festival--my first performance of part of the script that allowed me to know it WOULD work.
  • Thanks to Jennifer Wilkov and all my fellow writers on Thursday nights. You all sustained me through the many script changes with so much love and encouragement.
  • Ann Morrison and Blake Walton for the Sarasolo solo show workshops (all three I attended) and to those who attended with me. Your love and guidance through SO many versions and stories in the script helped me find my way.
  • Last but certainly NOT least! Jen Ponton. Friends for 15 years, soul sisters for always. Honk Honk.


Jen Ponton would like to thank:
  • My director Tessa Slovis, who has capably and lovingly held my most precious and broken pieces time and again. You make it safe for me to tell my story.
  • My dear friend Catherine Ryan, a skilled artistic midwife who held my hand and never stopped asking me the hard questions as I birthed this play.
  • My dear lifelong friends Megan and Tommy Balne of Masquerade Theatre, the true artistic home of
  • My best friend, podcast co-host, and producer Alex Finger--I love making art at the end of the world with you.
  • A formative incubator of writer friends: my best buddy Jody Lauren Miller, favnabe Meagan DeJong, the amazing Claire Ayoub, national treasures Laura and Lisa Bunbury, solo rock stars Alex Kern and Alison Larkin, and my dear friend DJ Sylvis.
  • Fiscal sponsor Fractured Atlas, and the incredibly generous donors who have supported this production.
  • Deb--it's an honor to tell my story with you. Honk honk, Goosie.


For Gabi, who secretively flew across the country to be here. 

For Doc, who has helped me return to myself over and over. 

(Don't tell my Mom, but I still want to grow up to be just like her.) 


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