Little Women - February 02 - February 12, 2023

Mahtomedi High School


This year's production combined the unique and varied talents of over fifty students, staff, and community members. The entire company of Little Women would like to say a very special thank you to the following:


ENCORE parent group (aka Drama Mamas) for their readiness to help with ANYTHING! From coming up with fundraising ideas, decorating our Chautauqua foyer, and always being at the ready for any need.


Superintendent Barb Duffrin for her continued support of our entire theatre program.


High School adminstrative team: Principal Justin Hahn, Associate Principal Carrie Gillund, and Activies Director Aaron Forsythe.


The MHS administrative assistants for all the work they do to support the Maht Theatre Department. Susan Decker, Joan DeMars, Lisa Gacek, and Jody Briske.


Alicia Wilma and photography students Olivia Balk and Jingyan Schlechte for taking headshots and technical crew pictures that are displayed in the Chautauqua Foyer.

Craig Mickelson for his graphic design work for our poster and t-shirt design and for his continued work of printing our t-shirts.


Chanhassen Dinner Theater and Minnetonka High School for the loaning of some of our props and furniture pieces.


The parents and teachers of the company of Little Women for their cooperation and understanding of the huge time commitment necessary for the succcess of the production.



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