A special thank you to...
The adults in the lives of all the students involved in this production. For being chauffeurs, making sure that these students can pursue their passions, volunteering hours, and their never ending love and support.
The MHS staff as their work fosters these creative minds and their subsequent flexibility and understanding allows those creative minds to flourish in this room and on/off this stage.
The MHS administrative team: Principal Justin Hahn; Associate Principal Carrie Gillund; and Activities Director Aaron Forsythe for all of the way-behind-the-scenes work that they do to keep our program healthy and happy.
The MHS administrative assistants: Susan Decker, Joan Demars, Lisa Gacek, Bill Mauricio, and Jill Wiebe, because we all know who really runs this school and they do so briliantly.
The MHS Custodial Staff: Michael Young and his entire crew for keeping Chautauqua in the best condition possible.
The district theatre staff: Derek Anderson, Julie Conzemius, Joan Fitch, Chad Garrels, Laura Goucher, Gail Kowsky, Tiffany Moore, and Alyssa Soukup for so many reasons.... all of your work is represented on stage tonight. This takes a village, and you are the village leaders.
ZPAF and Encore parent volunteers who help make this happen in ways that you have to volunteer to discover for yourselves! Chantell and Cindy are amazing, talk to them to join. Also, special shoutout to the Atkinsons for the beautiful headshots!