A Bright New Boise - September 30 - October 16, 2022

MOMENTUM Theatre Company


The company would sincerely like to thank those who have helped us launch this production.  Our heartfelt thanks go to:


Elizabeth Borrud, Frank McKown and Jon Fredette because they all worked WAY below their pay grade as a huge, huge service to us. 


Stephanie Feury for her glorious space and creative counsel


Joey Feldman, for his generosity, patience, love and tolerance.  And for taking Mo to Lowes on a Saturday fucking morning to get those goddamn tables and chairs.


Jay Sosnicki, Rock star; for his invaluable producing advice, en pointe graphic design and social media extravaganza expertise


Michelle Wroan and KPMG for their never-ending support of Billy's artistic endeavors


Barb Wriston-Ruddy for somehow always answering the phone with three daughters, and teaching me “grit.”


Rich Ruddy for that George Winston soundtrack “December” that one December in high school we need say no more about, and your endless support.


James Mastraieni, the perfect shoulder to cry on, and to laugh on. Fantastic arms, too! (And heart, etc., etc.)


Mikey Mulhearn, Foolish Production Co; for the How to Produce Your Own Show toolkit for Dummies


Angela Kohler, Poster Design









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