Lend Me a Tenor - March 13

Lycee Francais de NY


The English Theater Club's revival of Lend Me A Tenor has been an amazing, but long journey. Although the cast is only comprised of eight actors, it is important to thank those that have helped and supported us along the way with a matched, if not surpassed, dedication to the project we care so greatly for. 
With that being said, the cast of Lend Me A Tenor would like to sincerely thank Kamel, light god extraordinaire, and his disciple, Laura Ruiz, for their help in making our production come to life, and for making us look so good on stage. 
Furthermore, it goes without saying that there would be no "Lend Me a Tenor" cast had "Lend Me A Tenor" never been written. Although we do not know him personally, and he certainly doesn't know us...thank you to Ken Ledwig for supplying us with the material we have so excitedly absorbed and rehearsed in the past months. The words spoken tonight are, regrettably, not ours, but we hope to do justice to what he has envisioned. 
Last, (but certainly not least) we would like to thank the great Mr. Samulski for his never ending support.  There with us at every rehearsal, he has been our greatest fan and our greatest ally. We cannot deny that there have been struggles and doubts over the course of our preparation, but Mr. Samulski's expertise and guidance have been there to assure us and keep us going through thick and thin. All hail Mr. Samulski. 
And of course, if anyone is reading this page, thank you for coming. We've had a great time putting together this show, and we hope you have a great time watching it. 

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