Les Misérables School Edition - March 12 - March 14, 2020

Loveland High School

 Director's Notes 

We are so excited for this production of Les Misérables!


The students have put in an incredible amount of work to this show, and we couldn't be prouder. The quality of the cast, pit orchestra, stage crew and building crew are outstanding. I'm very proud of the cooperation, mutual respect, the level of commitment, and the teamwork that has been demonstrated during the process. 


I would like to thank some individuals for their support and hard work!


To Mr. Daniel Smith, thank you for being such a fabulous colleauge! Your ability to work as a strong member of a team is something I truly appreciate. You are such a kind person and make collaboration a fun time!


To Sara Kowalski & Carmen Polka, thank you for cleaning so much of this show, and helping be another two sets of eyes on everything on stage. You both have such a knack for the physicality in productions, and it shows!


To Jackson Mueller, thank you for pouring so much into this production! I have so loved watching you take control through all our scene changes, along with assisting on the staging! You have so many skills and such an eye for this! Plus, you know how to shut the cast up!


To my wonderful parents...Mr. Edward Steketee and Mrs. Suzanne Steketee, thank you for all the hours and labor you put in for the shows. We couldn't do these productions without your ideas, designs, and how you train us to make things look really good! Plus, you are the best supporters I could ask for. 


To my husband, thank you for understanding how crazy musical season is and giving me a lot of patience. It's been wonderful have you be a part of this show, even if you are busy stuck in the pit. 


- Stek




Jackson M - Thank you for helping the vision of this show come true! You are the biggest star!

Jordyn - You always bring positivity to the rehearsals....thank you!!!

Weston - Watching you grow since Freshman year has made me so proud of you. Keep it up and you will go so far. 

Avery - You are constantly one of the hardest workers i know! Plus your sass matches this....

Hailey - I always love the energy you bring to these shows...you are one of a kind!

Corina - Girl, you can SING...and this role is so incredibly, disgustingly, awesome! You killed it!

Caprice - I am so glad to have you involved in this production! Way to keep the house bustling!

Elsa - You are a props extraordinaire! Thank you for saving the shows consistently!

Tyler - So proud of the growth you showed this year! Never doubt yourself!

Allison - Thanks for sharing your insane love of sewing with us, & your dry humor!

Katie - Thank you for pouring yourself into this show...it was my favorite when you came to watch on days you weren't even called!

Madelyn - The loveliest Lovely Lady there ever was! I love watching you on stage!

Olivia -  You have become a force to be reckoned with. Keep that voice soaring!

Talin - Every rehearsal was a joy with you....even if you giggled through most of them. Proud of you, Enjolras!

Brendan - You tackled this role head on....I couldn't be more proud of you for it. So happy to watch you shine!


I will miss you guys more than you know! You all have such bright futures to come. KEEP SINGING! - Stek

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