Nicole Steketee, Director & Music Director
Ms. Steketee is excited to be directing her third musical production at LHS. This year's musical is such an incredible show, and she is excited to see her students take on this challenge, full throttle. She has loved working with Karen Bieser for the last three years and she cannot thank her enough for venturing into this amazingly difficult show with her! It's been an incredible journey so far, and she can't think of someone better to direct with! It's been wonderful doing a show with David Saccardi for the third time, as well. She thanks him for believing and trusting her with this challenging show! She would like to give the biggest thank you to her parents for all the support and work on the musicals! She couldn't do it without them and all the fantastic parents who support our students. Another big thank you needs to go to her fiancé, Josh, for all the support and understanding her crazy schedule. Lastly, she thanks her amazing students for the tremendous amount of work they have poured into this show, while always being able to make her laugh through rehearsals. ATTEND THE TALE!
Karen Bieser, Assistant Director
This is Mrs. Bieser's fifth production at LHS. Come check out the her 6th production, the One-Act performances on May 11 and 12th! Being a part of the directing team has been a tremendous experience for her, especially with the huge undertaking of such a challenging show. She would like to truly thank Nicole Steketee for providing her with such a unique and rewarding directing opportunity, and let her know she treasures the bond they have formed over the past three years. It would be remiss for her to not also send a huge shoutout to the amazing parents that have been unbelievalby helpful and understanding. Lastly, she would like to thank the students for their constant dedication, impressive talent, and moments of light and laughter in a dark show. LO SIENTO! Bad Cop out!
David Saccardi, Pit Orchestra
Mr. David Saccardi has taught strings in Colorado for over ten years, and is currently the orchestra teacher at LHS and Bill Reed Middle School in Loveland, CO. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Music Education and Performance from CSU and a Masters Degreee in Music Education and String Pedagogy from the University of Michigan. He provides string instruction to over 250 students in sixth through twelfth grade, and his groups consistently receive Superior ratings at state contest. In additon to his teaching responsibilities, Mr. Saccardi performs on double bass with the Fort Collins Symphony Orchestra, is an active clinician, and maintains a private studio. He has previously served as principal bassist of the Cheyenne Symphony and a section member with the Greeley Philharmonic and the Steamboat Springs Symphony. Mr. Saccardi lives in Loveland with his wife, Claire and their dog, Harper. They enjoy hiking, sking, road trips, New Mexican food, dog parenting, and many other wonderful activities the state of Colorado has to offer.