The Wiz - April 04

Longleaf Middle School

 End Notes 


Dear Families, Friends, Students, Cast Members, and supporters of LMS,


We did it!  Our second annual school-wide musical is complete!  I am so proud of what our students, faculty, and staff have accomplished.  Not only have we sung, danced, and acted, we've painted, glued, and hauled, memorized lines, worked through obstacles, and made new friends.  I can truly say that all of us are changed from this experience, and the experience has been beautiful to watch.


I am grateful to families who have given up their students for countless rehearsal hours, who have driven them back and forth on evenings and weekends, and who have waited patiently while we ran things "one more time."  I realize that we have asked a lot of your students and am thankful for all that you have given to enable them to be wildly successful in our show.


I am also especially thankful for the faculty and staff who have given up time with their families, stayed late, and pitched in over countless favors to make this production happen.  If it weren't for you, we would not be here tonight.

In thinking through how far we've come, I feel humbled and grateful for the chances we've been given to allow our students - and our programs - to shine.  This is a stellar performance, given by a remarkable cast and crew - a truly premier experience.


From the bottom of my heart, thank you,


Jennifer Bull, Director

LMS Dance and Theatre Teacher

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