A note from the director:
Things are always changing.
I learned so much in the summer of 2017. The most potent and substantial lessons I learned centered around my approach to acting and directing. My approach to facilitating performances in the classroom and on the stage has changed completely, and I believe you will see how these new views I've tried to transmit to these gifted young performers has allowed them to access their instincts and connect in new, electrifying ways.
I am constantly impressed by the work these actors are doing with this show. It's different, challenging, very funny, and very tragic. It will also be surprising for our audiences in a way that I believe they have not been before. In my view, it is important to stay near the edge to not only understand the current climate of theatre but to also ensure that any opportunity for students to grow as artists and as people is not passed over. They have taken new and frightening steps with their performances, and I hope that you will find them authentic and valuable to the development of these students.
Thank you for being here. Obviously, none of this would happen without your support and interest.
With Love,
Michael Scott