The Addams Family - January 14 - January 15, 2022

Lindenhurst High School

  Who's Who  

  • Tyler Smalling head shot

    Tyler Smalling


    Mr.Smalling is extremely honored to be directing the Lindenhurst High School’s production of “The Addams Family”. Being able to work with such a talented group of students has been one of the most monumental chapters in his career. He is so grateful for each and every member of the cast and crew for all of their hard work and dedication. All of this couldn’t have been done without every member of the family.  


    During the school day, Mr.Smalling teaches K-5 general music at Albany Avenue Elementary School and Alleghany Elementary school. He has been teaching, learning, and performing music since his adolescence. This passion led him to Westminster Choir College and eventually the Lindenhurst Public School District. Although he’s lost count of the amount of musical performances he’s been in, this will be his first musical performance as stage director. 

  • Philip Ricciardi head shot

    Philip Ricciardi

    Vocal Director

    This is Mr. Ricciardi's 28th year teaching general music and chorus in Lindenhurst. He is thrilled to return for the fourth time to work with the amazing vocalists of the Lindenhurst High School Thespian Troupe.


    Mr. Ricciardi, who performed in his first piano recital 50 years ago to mixed reviews, is also delighted to be playing keyboard in the pit for this performance.


    Mr. Ricciardi holds a music degree in arranging from Berklee College of Music and received his teaching credential in music education at Queens College.

  • Kevin Pike head shot

    Kevin Pike

    Orchestra Director

    See end of section for the Epic Bio of Kevin Pike.

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