Radium Girls - May 02 - May 03, 2019

Liberty High School

 Who's Who 

  • Emily Mourning head shot

    Emily Mourning

    as Grace Fryer, a topnotch dialpainter, 15 at the start of the play, 26 at its close.

    Emily has been a proud member of Lancer Theatre for four years. In her time here she has discovered an amazing passion for the performing arts, both technical and onstage crafts. She is the events coordinator for Liberty's ITS troupe #4633. She wants to thank Mrs. Willams and Mr. Skelcey for their constant inspiration, as well as Carmen Swank, the Artistic Director of STARZ theatre program. “Your passion for this has to be stronger than anything else.”-SS

  • Mackenzie Block head shot

    Mackenzie Block

    as Kathryn Schaub, her friend, another dialpainter, also 15 at the start of the play.

    This is Mackenzie’s ninth show with Liberty Theatre, and she is very excited to contribute to this production. Her favorite roles include Ensemble and Dance Captain in Godspell, Vixen in Dracula, Ensemble in Hello, Dolly!, Napoleon Dynamite in Scarborough Fair: After these Messages, and DJ Bobbi Breeze in Spy School. She thanks her parents for their unending support for her love of performing arts, her best friends for their constant love through this show, and the Performing Arts teachers at Liberty for their commitment to arts education.

  • Angela Allen head shot

    Angela Allen

    as Irene Rudolph, Kathryn's cousin, 17 at the start of the play. Later she is in her 20s.

    Also head of Publicity, Angela has been in theatre her entire high school career, her first role being an ensemble member in Hello, Dolly!. Her latest role was asoloist in Scarborough Fair: Director's Cut. Angela dreams of making a career as a performer. She is thankful for her parent's support of her passion and pursuit of performing arts, and choosing her to be theirs.

  • Jenna Kondracki head shot

    Jenna Kondracki

    as Mrs. Alma MacNeil, Their supervisor./Mrs. Michaels, a consumer of Radithor

    Jenna has been part of Liberty High School Theatre since freshman year. This will be her 8th and final show. She is normally involved with backstage crew so she is excited to be on the stage! After High School she is going to PPCC to study as a medical assistant.

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