Director's Note
When selecting this year’s season, we were immediately drawn to the musical Annie. There are many reasons for this. The name recognition, the catchy songs, the 15+ roles for young women. However the most important reason is all of the beautiful lessons that the show teaches us. First and probably most famously is the focus on optimism in hard times. Annie takes place in the height of the Great Depression when many of the citizens of New York City were “ragged, hungry [and] homeless.” When looking at the stories that exist of the people that lived during this time, it is sometimes unbelievable how they were able to keep going and, in some cases, with so much optimism. In the last three years this world has seen historic hardships of various kinds that remind us of these hard times the country saw nearly one hundred years ago. Although it’s sometimes difficult, it’s important we remember Annie’s advice,
Just stick out your chin and grin and say;
The sun will come out tomorrow,
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow,
There’ll be sun!
Now, suspend your disbelief with us for the next couple of hours and look up at the stage and see these seven girls- sharing one room- in an orphanage run by a woman who is there only for the paycheck and likely spends the money meant for the kids on her own alcohol. These girls you are looking at have no parents and have likely never felt what it means to be loved by someone. Annie is a beautiful reminder that EVERY person is deserving of love- even these orphaned kids in the height of the Great Depression, even us, and most importantly- although you may not feel it at times- even you.
Thank you for joining us tonight and your support of the arts at Liahona!
You are loved,
Jordan Long
Gina Marie McGirr