Over 2,000 years ago, a child was born who changed the course of this world forever. When he was 12 years old, we read about how he stayed for hours in the temple, not learning, but teaching the rabbis and the priests who were many years his elder. Lois Lowry's beautiful story of The Giver has always served as a direct correlation between two 12 year old boys, the Savior of the world and Jonas, the savior of the community in this play adapted for stage by Eric Coble. The main reason that I have chosen to work in a school setting is my belief that children are who will save us in the end. They will save our country, they may save our lives, and it was a child 2,000 years ago, that grew up to save all mankind. I echo the words of the Savior from the Book of Matthew, "Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." We invite you to think about the bravery of Jonas as you watch this show tonight and notice his impulse to do what is right regardless of the consequences or what he has been told is the way things go. This 12 year old boy does not simply complain, wish he could do something, or accept what he knows is wrong, but he stands up and does what he believes is right and necessary. Brother DeGraff displays a plaque in his room that states, "Footprints in history aren't made sitting down." We encourage you to stand up and do what is right, regardless of what society may think, or what the perceived consequences may be.
Thank you so much for your continued support of the arts in the community and the Liahona Preparatory Academy Theatre Department.
Jordan Long
Special Thanks to:
Aubrey Long
Madelyn Barkdull
Cathy Johnson
Brother and Sister DeGraff
Clay Cammack Photography
DaVinci Academy