"Oh the thinks you can think!" "I do not like green eggs and ham!" A person's a person no matter how small." "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish."
These iconic lines written decades ago by Dr. Theodore Geisel under one of the most famous pen names ever, Dr. Seuss, are known by nearly every American alive, both young and old. Though Seuss has been dead nearly 25 years, his stories live on in all of us. However, it isn't mere entertainment value that is the reason for the sales of over 600 million books. Dr. Seuss often took on major political issues of his day. From environmental issues, to plastic surgery, to adoption and child abandonment, to racism, to nationally mandated education and common core. Each of these issues can be seen in the show tonight. There are two major things that I would like audiences to pay attention to tonight. The first is the importance of imagination and thinking for yourself. As the Sour Kangaroo exclaims, "Somebody's thinking different than us," we seem to live In a time where the country we live in almost requires everyone to think the way they think, it is crucial for the survival of our constitution and freedom in general that children learn to use their imaginations and to think for themselves and determine what is correct.
The second thing I wanted to point out in the show that you will see tonight is the importance of thinking about and noticing others. Too often, especially at this time of the year, we get caught up in everything we need to do for ourselves and our family, usually very good things, without ever noticing somebody around us who needs help and has been put in our path. To me, the most beautiful part of this show is when Horton, who is extremely focused on a good thing, saving the whos, exclaims, "Oh the world would be something new, if they noticed a thing or two..." At the same time that he himself is not noticing the others around him who need help.
These young men and women have put so much time and effort into this show for the main purpose of helping affect the audiences, you here tonight. We challenge you to think and to notice those around you who need help this Christmas season. Because there truly are so many, "... Things you can think when you think about Seuss!" Thank you for your support of the arts in the community.
Jordan Long
Special Thanks to:
Tanya and Gavin Barkdull
Brighton High School
American Fork Youth Theatre
Jason Langlois
Aubrey Long
Broadway Attire For Hire
Phaidra Atkinson
Corner Canyon High School
Bennet Jensen
American Fork City
Music Theatre International
Kevin Long
Joseph Rowley
Parker Barkdull
Alec Ely
Brent and Kolleen Degraff
Minuteman Music