Jake Green
Jake Green is a senior at Lemon Bay High School and is currently the President of Troupe 0257. He has been a part of the program for the past three years. He is excited to step into the role of Narrator 1! He would like to thank his family for everything and he hopes you enjoy this wintery ghost story.
Haleiy Bruce
This is Haleiy's third year in the Lemon Bay High School theater program. She is so excited to play Narrator 2 in the Suessified Christmas Carol! Theater is her passion wether it is on or off stage and she cannot wait to perform another wonderful show in this program.
Paul Petro
"This is the second show for the senior Paul Petro, and he is ecstatic to be a part of another show for lemon bay and the theatre program as a final goodbye to school life."
Caleb Way
Caleb Way is a Junior, and has been acting his whole life. His most notable roles are Beadle Bamford in Sweeney Todd, Jerry Springer in I Hate Shakespeare, MEGA-SNAP in Power Line, and Monsieur D'Arque in Beauty & the Beast. Now, as The Scrooge, he will face his past, present, and future in this thrilling Seussified show.
Myles Onken
This is Myles, I’ve been passionate about theater for three years now and love being part of the wonderful community at Lemon Bay Performing Arts. I’ve had the pleasure of working on several productions, including Catch me if you can, Beauty and the Beast, Me - Mario - and Your Mom as part of the tech crew. You may have also seen me on stage in How to Kiss a Girl and last year’s one-act play, I Hate Shakespeare. I’ve enjoyed every moment, and I hope you enjoy our show!