Charlotte's Web - November 10 - November 13, 2022

Legacy Middle School

 End Notes 

Directors Note


I can still remeber reading "Charlotte's Web" in school and being strangely obsessed with this wholesome story. After directing this show I can confirm that my obsession is still in tact. The beautiful message of friendship and sacrifice, is a story that anyone can apply to many phases of their life. 


I always tell students that theatre is the art of the human experience. We all walk our own unique paths and because of that we can all relate to a work of theatre in a different way. I find it funny that through this show we are focusing on the art of the animal experience but fortunately for us the messages apply all the same.


I selected this show mainly because I wanted the students to gain experience in a wider variety of performances. I also chose this show because it brings a message that the world could use a hint of today. Care for those around you, and support each other in all of your high and all of your lows. 


Middle school is a huge mile marker in an individual's life. Students are not only learning more complicated school lessons, but they are learning the more complicated life lessons, of how to be a good human being. And what better life lesson than, care deeply for those around you.


I'm lucky that the students involved in the production you will see tonight are all not only good human beings, but great ones. I must thank the parents and families for sharing your students with me throughout this process. These students consistently surprise me. They are able to bring life to characters beyond their years, and they do it gracefully. They have truly been an absolute joy to work with. 


I know I thanked several people in pages prior, but i have to thank all the support from the students and parents in building our set and making the world of "Charlotte's Web" come to life on our stage. I tend to have a problem of dreaming up these big crazy ideas and, i'm lucky that these parents help me make them happen. 


I also must thank my lovely wife for putting up with and listening to all of these crazy ideas of mine. We have spent far too many date nights working on things for this show. She may not teach at Legacy but she too cares deeply for my students and performers. She has volunteered more than ample amounts of her time to bring more opportunities to the students of the Legacy Theatre Department and I can't say thank you enough. 


Finally, After seeing our show, I challenge you as an audience as well as a cast and crew, to go out into the world and find a way that you can show love and care for someone. Even if we all only do one thing, we will be making this world a better place. One thing at a time. 


Thank you for being Terrific, and Radiant. I am Humbled to be called your Director and Teacher. 


-Kaleb Stone

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