Isaiah Worth
Student Technical Director/Crew Head
Isaiah is a gifted sound technician who can flawlessly balance a soundboard & fix audio issues in record time. But need a bio form filled out? That is a different story. What? A set piece moves on while muting & unmuting 20 performers? Isaiah is your guy! Need a form filled out? Don't hold your breath! Forms don't exist & paperwork vanishes in his possesion like magic.
Deen Sainju
Stage Manager
Deen Sainju (Stage Manager) is a senior at Lebanon Trail High School. Some of his past favorite shows include “The Dining room” and “Wizard Of Oz”. He would like to thank his friends and family for being so supportive, and the fantastic Directors for the opportunity to have such an amazing part in the process of the show.
Marissa Puga
Marissa Puga (Head Lighting Technician) is a junior at Lebanon Trail. Her past favorite role was Stage Managing last years UIL OAP, "Ruby's Story." She would like to thank her family for the constant support and the directors for this opportunity.
Stella Keen
Sound Board Operator
Stella Keen is a Freshman at Lebanon Trail High School. This is her very first show at LTHS! She would like to thank the upperclassman who helped guide her and her directors for the opportunity to be apart of this company.
Mateo Cortez
Run Crew
Mateo Cortez is a Sophomore at Lebanon Trail High School. This is the first production he is participating in during High School. He would like to thank his friends and family for being so supportive, and the fantastic Directors for the opportunity to participate in this amazing experience.