Riley Wayt
as Narrator & Mysterious Man
I’ve been in theater since last year, and I’ve loved every show I’ve been in. When I’m not memorizing lines or doing vocal warm ups, I like to hang out with my friends and play music. I play guitar and sing a bit, and I’m in a band with my friend.
Jaxie Niles Arguello
as Cinderella
Jaxie Niles Argüello is a Senior in her 10th & final musical of her public school career. As a kid she played roles from the Narrator in Aladdin to The Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland. In high school, she played the Georgia Hendricks in Curtains, and Dennis Dupree in Rock of Ages, Ms. Snow in Cinderella Waltz, and now Cinderella in tonight’s Into the Woods.
Brennan Lein
as Jack
You’re watching Disney Channel. Not really, we don’t have that kind of budget. But what we do have is a show we put together in a number of weeks. It’s made with love, work, and perseverance. Please enjoy.
Emily Polio
as Jack's Mother
Emily Polio is a Junior at Lasa. This is her third year with the Lasa Raptor Theatre. Her previous work in the program includes positions as both a tech and actor. Her favorite part of theatre is Preshow traditions and when she’s not acting she can be found singing in the Lasa Choir or reading history books in a nice comfortable hammock. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Maka Perry
as The Baker
Maka is a Junior, and this is his 5th show at LASA! Outside of theatre, he likes to play games, puzzles, and hang out with friends. Hope you enjoy the show!