The Addams Family - March 07 - February 11, 2017

Lambrick Park Secondary School

 Note from the Director 

The Addams Family for many is a well-known name; it was either a television show or a movie we watched, or characters we saw every year at Halloween.  The theme song for the show is a familiar jingle that most of us would recognize and upon hearing it begin to snap our fingers.  For the majority of these students though this was their first introduction to the quirky characters that are the Addams’.  Not only was it their first introduction to the Addams Family but for most as well, it is their first experience doing a full-length musical.  


The last musical done in this room was 17 years ago and we are very excited to be bringing the program back to Lambrick, and what a perfect show to do it with.   This show is one with many speaking roles, lots of stage time for all, minimal choreography, and lots of laughs.  It has been very fun introducing these students to the world of Addams and the world of Musical Theatre. 


The characters in this show are based on the those from the original television show, however our show takes place in the future when little Wednesday Addams has grown up a bit and has fallen in love with a “normal” boy, Lucas Beneke.  Wednesday however refuses to announce their engagement until she knows if the families can get along.  The first meeting of the families is about to take place and both fear the worst.  It is sure to be a night to remember.


Putting together any show requires a lot of people and I would like to first thank the new administration at Lambrick for believing in my crazy dream to not only bring Musical Theatre back, but to renew what is now known as “The Studio” into a performance space for both Drama and band. 


I would also like to that Mya Lowe a grade 12 student who did all the choreography for us, David Gittens who gave up his own time to help me and the crew build the set, Barry Janzen for taking on directing our first pit band and bringing his many years of musical theatre experience to the team, Andrea Blaire for putting up with my crazy mess in our teaching space as I built, painted and transformed the studio as well as playing in our pit band, the Lambrick Young Life leaders who joined our crew and put in many hours helping us with this show, all the parents who helped gather props, fundraise, supported in any way they could, the LP staff for being so encouraging and of course my family for their help and basically letting me live at work at while preparing for this show. 


I hope this is the first of many shows to come at Lambrick.  Enjoy the Show!



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