Scene I: The Office of Almaelou Music Corporation
Scene III: The MacAfee House
How Lovely To Be A Woman
Put On A Happy Face
Albert, Sad Girls, Happy Girls
A Healthy, Normal American Boy
Scene V: Sweet Apple Ohio
One Boy, One Boy (Reprise)
Kim, Friends, Rose
Honestly Sincere
Conrad, Company
Scene VI: The MacAfee House
Hymn for a Sunday Evening
MacAfee Family, Company
Scene VII: Backstage of Central Movie Theater
Scene VIII: On Stage, Central Movie Theater
One Last Kiss
Conrad, Company
Scene I: The MacAfee House
What Did I Ever See In Him?
Rose, Kim
Scene II: The Streets of Sweet Apple Ohio
A Lot of Livin' To Do
Conrad, Kim, Teens
Mr. and Mrs. MacAfee
Scene III: Maude's Roadside Retreat
Scene IV: Private Dinning Roo of Maude's Roadside Retreat
Scene V: Back Door of Maude's Roadside Retreat
Kids (Reprise)
Mr. and Mrs. MacAfee, Randolph, Adults
Ice House Livin' (Reprise)
Ursula, Teens, Conrad, Kim
Scene VII: Sweet Apple Train Station