Our Town - October 25 - November 03, 2019

Laguna Beach High School Theatre



Laguna Beach High School Theatre





Thornton Wilder



Charlie Besso

Luke Bruderer

Quinn Butler

May Chapman

Sebastian Fernandez

Drew Fink

Harley Firouz

Dani Gagne

Malin Glade

Lila Goldstein

 Dane Hobrecht

Ani Hovanesian

Joe Hovanesian

Schuyler Jett

Luke Johnson

Diego Lapayese-Calderon

Hannah Le

Noah Novick

Cain Phillips

Aaron Poe

 Luka Salib

Matysse Sybirski

Shelby Thomas 

Claire Tigner

Lauren Trautenberg

Kate Trevino

Zoë Waters

Scarlett Wheaton



and special guest artist

Mark Dressler






Lighting Design

Peter Roche


 Costumes & Props

Angela Irish & Julie Stevens


Production Assistant

Annamarie McIntosh


Produced by

Alexis Karol


Directed by

Celena Marie DelPizzo-Howell

Set Design

Legacy Theatrical








Our Town is presented by special arrangement with
Samuel French, Inc., a Concord Theatricals Company

229 West 28th Street New York, NY 10001