Crazytown - September 25 - September 27, 2015

Kyrene Aprende Middle School

 A Note from the Director 

Welcome to the Jaguar Players first production of our season! After last year’s successful season, we are thrilled to be back with a full year of events and performances!


Tonight we welcome you to Crazytown, a place were crazy is normal. The Action News new team will introduce around from the police interrogation room where the nicest guy in town is issued a strange ultimatum, to the elementary school for a heated political debate on critical issues like tater tots. Welcome to Crazytown, where our motto is: Welcome to Crazytown.


I am so proud of the hard work and dedication from our cast and crew of over 70 students. We only had a little over one month to put this production together and everyone has done a phenomenal job! Theater is truly a collaborate art form and this production would not have happened without each and very Jaguar Player.


I have to thank my extremely dedicated and talented Technical Directors, David Holdcraft and Sharon Smith, for, again, helping me make my vision for this program a reality. They have truly put their blood, sweat, and tears into the Jaguar Players and I know that they are responsible for the success of this program.


I also have to thank our wonderful Jaguar Players Booster Club for their help and support. The Boosters have allowed us to grow our program and to help organize our trip to NYC this May. Special thanks to your Board for their endless dedication: Kristin Vance (President), Susan Carmack (Treasurer), Emilie Halladay (Secretary), Beth Price and Meredith Smith (Members at Large).


Also, I would like to thank my friends and family for their love and support. A special thank you to my wonderful husband, Ryan, for being patient and understanding during my long work days and tech week schedule.


Last, but not least, I want to thank you for coming to see our show. We can’t perform without an audience so thank you for being here and supporting Arts Education. And if you want to support the Arts even more, please buy refreshments, t-shirts, DVDs, or make a direct donation at the box office.  All proceeds to directly to the Booster Club. (*Raffle sales and Italian Ice proceeds go directly to the NYC trip fund)



Enjoy the show and we hope to see you back for our Spring Musical!

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