I would like to thank the costume construction crew for all their time cutting & sewing the poodle skirts; Lea Luke for managing the backstage chaos of costuming; Mrs. Yvonne Groathouse for allowing us to use the FACS room & sewing machines; Mrs. Cindy Smith for all the hours thrift store shopping; Mr. Richard Smith for his woodworking talents; Ms. Claudia See for donating the awesome buttons; Mrs. Nicole Quillan for facilitating props delivery; and Ripley Smith for assisting with makeup and all the little things you do every day. Finally, a huge thank you to Marisa Brady and Jag Players Boosters for continuing to allow me to participate in these productions.
Ms. Sharon Smith
So many people have volunteered and helped to bring this set and production together. A big Thank You to Kevin Ervin, Alex Burton, and Kristin Vance for all of their help on our Parent Build Nights, without their contributions our set would not have been completed. Thank you to Mark Hovanec for following my rough sketch to build us a fog machine. Thank you to Eduardo Sanchez for building and donating our refrigerator and stove. Thank you to Lee Wilmeth and Phoenix Texas Exes for putting together and letting us borrow portable sound equipment for the teaser. A HUGE thank you to Mr. Verrill for his never-ending support in the program and unrelenting willingness to help us work through some of the challenges we have had on the stage. Thanks to Stan Holdcraft for his advice and for giving me the theatre bug. Thank you to my little Jaguar Player “cubs” Jak-jak and Elli-bean Holdcraft for their help on stage over the last couple of weekends. Finally, an extra special thanks to Amy Holdcraft, my wife and better half, for her understanding, support, encouragement, and the willingness to be a single mom at times over the last couple of weeks. Our set would not be what it is without any of the contributions these wonderful people have provided.
Mr. David Holdcraft
I would like to thank Marisa Brady, Sharon Smith, David Holdcraft, and the Jag Players Booster for letting me join in the fun this semester. I have had a great time. Thank you to my husband, Jeff, for being so patient as rehearsals grew longer and my time with him grew shorter. I love you! And finally I would like to thank my Heavenly Father for giving me the strength and patience to work these long hours and learn to love these very talented young men and women.
Mrs. Lydia Kiel