Lion King Jr. - November 07

Klein Intermediate

 End Notes 

 For my cast;

 Where do I began?  I can't believe this amazing journey of ours is sadly coming to an end.  Look how far we've come!  I am so proud of all of you!  i find myself in disbelief everytime I watch you perform.  The level of talent, professionalism, commitment, and passion in this production I have never seen the likes of.  I am so blessed to call you my students!  But actually I am the one who has learned from you.  I learned that an incredible group of 6th-8th graders can come together as a family and make magic on the stage.  Thank you all for your hard work and sacrifice.  I love you all!  God bless!


 For my family;

 First of all I love all of you so much!  Thank you for your patience and understanding for the time I must be away.  I appreciate all of your help and support. I so love that we can do this as a family and spread the joy we have for the theatre with others.  I am so blessed, proud, and grateful for each one of you.  You are my purpose.  I love you!


For Mrs. Bost;

 There's not another soul on this earth that I'd rather be taking this journey with!  You are so amazing, and you get me!!!!  I will be forever grateful for everything! 


For all of you;

 Thank you for sharing your talented children with me.  They are such a magical part of my life that cannot be put into words.  The way they come alive on stage is beautiful to see.  I hope that each of you take away what I have from this journey.  A true understanding for how amazing each and everyone of these kids are.  Please sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.  These kids have worked so hard and want nothing more than to make all of you proud.  Thank you again!


Maggie Duncan-Crawford


 To My Pride and Joy – The Cast and Crew:


 It has been an absolute pleasure working with the students who are in the cast and crew of KI’s Lion King Jr.  I am so proud of your achievements, your hard work, your fine characters and your talents.  You make my days so wonderful.  Thank you, dear cast and crew.  You bring so much joy to our world.  You bring so much joy to my world.  Keep roaring for the rest of your lives.  I’m proud of you.


 To Robert, Ellie and Emmy – Thank you for your constant love and support.  I love you more than mere words can ever say. 


 And to Ms. Duncan – Thank you for all of your hard work on this amazing production.  It is so much fun to work with you.  It’s been fun making it all come together with you.  We’ve had a lot of laughs!


 My heartfelt thanks go to Mr. Anderson for your support and to all the teachers, staff and parents for your loving support and words of encouragement.  Your energy and thoughts are with us on this journey through the Lion King.


 Love always,


Mrs. Bost



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