1. Arrive on time. Doors close and you may not be allowed in after the start of the play
2. Turn off your electronic devices. Please do not just turn them to silent
3. Remove your hats, hoods and earphone. Please make sure your earphones are turned off and silenced during the show.
Allow yourselves to use all your senses to enjoy the show right in front of you.
4. Never put your feet up on the back of the seat in front of you or the stage.
5. Do not talk during the performance, not even a whisper.
6. Do not take food or drink into the theater. Do not unwrap gum or candy or pop gum during the performance.
7. Do not leave during the play except in an emergency. Please stay seated as entrances happen all over the space and it is a safety concern if you get up during the production.
If you leave for any reason (phone call, moms here, get water, go to restroom etc.) You will not be allowed to re-enter.
Do not leave until the house lights are turned on.
8. Applaud the performers at the end of the play as the take their bows. Reserve a standing ovation for an outstanding performance.
9. Dress Appropriately. A good reference is wear what you might wear to church or family event.
10. Please do not plug your phone into any outlets in the theatre. We have lights, sound, and many other electronics plugged in, you may cause a spark or an outage. Turn your phone off during the performance to save the charge you have ;)
11. No video recording or photography of any kind as it is a copyright violation and may result in a fine. We will be having a photo session with the actors on saturday so that parents and friends will have images from the play.
If you can adhear to these simple requests you will be able to enjoy the show, and allow other to enjoy the show too!