Directors Notes
Thank you all so much for coming and seeing our production of The Giver. I am very pleased to have worked with such amazing students and artists who are hungry to grow in their knowledge of theatre and the art of performing a piece of this weight. While most people remember reading The Giver in grade school or seeing a movie or a trailer for the movie, most people forget how truly twisted the tail is and how important the memories that are depicted are to our every day existence. This show can be perceived as an entertaining and fun journey or a tale of warning for how washed out our civilization may become based on the choices made today. Young Jonas takes us on a journey that will leave you, our audience to make the decision; Is too dangerous to have choices at all?
"Based on the beloved novel Lois Lowry, The Giver is a coming of age story set in a utopian community that is free from pain, sickness and conflict, but also without color, weather, or deep emotions. Jonas and his friends, Asher and Fiona, along with his family, journey through the questions of life, love and happiness."
I would like to send a personal thank you to an amazing team of Professionals, Mr. Albarran and Mr. Baker, thank you for welcoming me with open arms and minds, and for working tirelessly to make this performance come from a technical idea to a beautiful inspiring reality.
Thank you, students who helped act, build, paint, and work so hard to make this show all that it is. You make me work harder every day with your want for more theatre in your lives. I appreciate the late afternoon, the hard work in all of your classes, and the Saturdays that you could have spent away and you chose to come and create art. This show is yours. Take it away!
Thank you to my family to whom I would never be able to work as hard as I do, and most importantly my wonderful husband who handles most of our day to day life with our perfect 9 month old son Tom. Thank you for making every day better than the last.
Please sit back, relax,
0pen your mind to the suspension of disbelief,
and enjoy the show!
Samantha Clayborn Segura ![](/static/productions/Klein_Forest_High_School/2019/The_Giver/images/thumbnail_IMG_75201001_930_.jpg)