This year's production combined the unique and varied talents of over forty students, KMS staff, and community members. The entire ensemble of "Honk! Jr." would like to say a very special thank you to the following people:
Mineral County Schools
Mineral County Superintdentent Sean Dilly
Keyser Middle School Administrators: Mrs. Mary Racey & Mr. Matt Whitacre
Keyser Middle School staff for all of their support and help
Mr. Charles Wimer, Ms. Jessica Biser, and Keyser High School for allowing us to use their facilities
New Creek Elementary and Administrator Robin McDowell
Burlington Elementary & Fort Ashby Primary (Joyce Malcome & Dawn Burke)
Kara Breedlove, Jill Blacka, Lisa Rogers, Craig Courtney and Yvette Courtney for helping with the Box Office
Mrs. Lori Deverter and Mrs. Heather Williams for allowing us to use their classrooms for practices
KMS Custodians for all of their assistance during our practices
E&S Fabrics
Mrs. Betty Pastorius & Jacequeline Courtney
Mrs. Shelia Powell
Mrs. Amy Linkswiller
Mrs. Lisa Rogers
Mr. Curtis Westfall & Logan Mills
KMS Drama Alumni Students
Mr.Craig Courtney & Mrs. Yvette Courtney and Family
Ms. Heather Williams, Ms. Dannagale Acord, Ms. Carrie Watson, Mrs. Melissa Tucker, Mr. Brian Tucker, & Ms. Kourtni High for all of their help and support with the production
Mr. Ken & Josh Noland for their help with the production designing the sound
Angie and John Courrier and family
Mrs. Liz Beavers & Keyser Mineral Daily News Tribune
The Nester Family for all of their help and support creating this production
Keyser Middle School Students & Parents
Apple Alley Players and Laurin Swisher Scholarship program for their genorous donation to KMS Drama!