Dr. Seuss's The Cat in the Hat - February 27 - March 02, 2014

Kelowna Actors Studio

 Who's Who 

  • Shaun Purves head shot

    Shaun Purves

    as Cat

    Shaun loves Dr. Suess, he loves this he loves that; and he's glad to be playing the Cat in the Hat! He hopes you have fun; with this crazy show: let your daydreams run wild, and imaginings grow! Think left and think right, And think low and think high, Oh the things you can think, If only you try!

  • Vuk Prodanovic head shot

    Vuk Prodanovic

    as Boy

    Vuk is 14 years old and has already won 6 Nobel Prizes (Really?) . When he is not acting he's working hard on his first year in high school at OKM, with a gpa of 7.8. This is Vuk's 7085.5 show at the Actors Studio.... But who's counting. Vuk has been a long time fan of Dr. Seuss books, with his first audition at the Actors Studio he read "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish" as his monologue. Vuk would like to thank Margaret, Mr. Miyagi and everyone involved with the production of this show. He is also a Kung Fu master....Thank you, and enjoy the show!

  • Kate Hammer head shot

    Kate Hammer

    as Sally

    Kate Hammer is in grade 8 at OKM and is a long time Dr. Seuss fan. Her favorite Dr. Seuss quote is "A person's a person no matter how small", from the book Horton Hears a Who. I wonder why?! You may have seen Kate as Cossette in Les Mis or more recently as Grumpy the Dwarf in Shrek. Kate would like to thank Margaret and all the crew for putting this show together. Kate is glad you came.

  • Shanelle Connell head shot

    Shanelle Connell

    as Fish

    This is Shanelle's first show with the Actors Studio. She is extremely honored to be a part of such a fun-loving cast and show. Being a fan of Doctor Suess, Shanelle is amazed by how magical his world can be when brought to life! Everything is so crazy & out of the ordinary that it's the perfect escape from reality for her & she is looking forward to bringing the neurotic character "Fish" to life

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