Our 2nd Broadway Junior Production, the staging of Sondheim's Into the Woods, Jr. amidst this pandemic world, has proven to truly take a village. As a Company, we must always acknowledge those without whom a production could not and would not be possible. The list is always long, but this year has proven to be an extra special challenge. Many hands. -Mr. Dollar
Dr. Jeffrey Cassell, Mrs. Vermel Grant, and the WPS Schoolboard:
This summer, Dr. Cassell helped advocate for a major upgrade to our stage and lighting. This is the first production with those upgrades and we are so excited to show off our space! - THANK YOU!
Mrs. Marcy Nester, Ms. Katrina Lassiter, Mr. Bryan Strickler, and Mr. Mitch Peeling:
Administrative support, especially at the middle school level, is imperative. rs. Nester and Mr. Strickler have run the school van to take students home and pick them up to make sure they are able to participate. -THANK YOU!
Mr. Bryan Stamm:
Having High School students involved in this musical was a scary thought. We've never done this before and were hesitant to approach the topic. Mr. Stamm's support has been fantastic. -THANK YOU!
Mrs. Tammy McDaniels & Mrs. Teresa Hill:
The support and patience these 2 have shown, along with the mental stability they help Mr. Dollar maintain, is invaluable. -THANK YOU!
Mr. Jon Wills:
Mr. Wills is responsible for all of the set construction this year, including Rapunzel's Tower and Granny's bed. -THANK YOU!
Ms. Aubrey Whitlock:
At the beginning of rehearsals, Ms. Whitlock helped round out the blocking. Toward the end, Ms. Whitlock offered her years of acting and directing expertise, giving notes and helping with our combat scenes. -THANK YOU!
Ms. Penny Friend and Ms. Celeste Sotelo:
Ms. Friend was the obvious "go to" for our headshots. She encouraged and coached Celeste (aka Lucind) as a student photographer in taking all of the headshots contained in our playbill. -THANK YOU!
Ms. Sharon Morris and the KCMS Art Club:
I LOVE working with Ms. Morris. She is always willing to take on a new project, especially when we are involving the Art Club in other activities. The Art Club is responsible for the tree tops! -THANK YOU!
Mr. John Martin, Mr. Brian Wilson, and the Custodial Staff:
We would certainly be up a major creek without the support of our custodial staff! -THANK YOU!!!
Mr. Mike Love:
Mr. Love graciously donated his time and talents to create our show posters. - THANK YOU!!
Bus Driver 655 (Stacy):
We know that they are doing their job, but Stacy made it possible for our high school students to truly participate in this show. -THANK YOU!