Twelve Angry Jurors - January 12 - January 20, 2024

Kamiak High School

  Director's Note  

Dear Parents, Students, and Theater Enthusiasts,


Welcome to Kamiak High School's production of 12 Angry Jurors. As we embark on this theatrical journey, we find ourselves at a crucial intersection of art and reality, mirroring the divisive political climate we currently navigate.


In a world where opinions can be as polarized as ever, 12 Angry Jurors serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of open-mindedness. Our talented cast, brings to life the intense deliberations of a jury, challenging us all to reconsider our preconceived notions. In today's world, it's imperative to acknowledge the significance of letting new facts and perspectives shape and evolve our opinions. The play urges us to look beyond our biases.


The hard work and dedication of our young actors, crew members, and everyone involved in this production are truly commendable. I have been continually impressed by their ability to portray these complex characters authentically. They have invested countless hours to bring this classic drama to life, showcasing the transformative power of theater in the lives of young people.


Theater, as a medium, fosters empathy, critical thinking, and collaboration—qualities essential for navigating the complexities of our world. Our students, through their involvement in this production, not only honed their artistic skills but also cultivated a deeper understanding of the human experience.


As the curtains rise, let us embrace the opportunity to reflect on our own convictions and engage in the power of storytelling to bridge divides. We hope this performance sparks conversations that resonate beyond the stage and inspires a collective commitment to open-mindedness, understanding, and growth.


Thank you for supporting the arts at Kamiak High School, where we celebrate the transformative impact of theater on the hearts and minds of our students.



Bryan Sullivan


Kamiak High School Theater Department

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