Newsies - January 23 - January 25, 2020

KIPP DC College Prep


What a journey this has been. Thank you to all who helped us create this magic. We'd especially like to thank:


-KIPP DC for believing in our dream and providing the funds to make it come true


-The Crowell & Moring Foundation for providing generous grant funding


-The KCP custodial staff, security, and operations team for putting up with our many, many hours of rehearsal and endless requests.


-Mallory Shear for your amazing stage combat instruction


-The Broadway Dreams Foundation, including guest teachers Nico DeJesus and Dan De Luca, for working with our cast and awarding 3 scholarships to their summer musical theatre intensive. 


-Dave Eason at School Days Productions for the incredible promo video and show videography! Thanks for making our kids feel famous. :)


-Nova Payton for always supporting us and providing professional feedback 


-Daphne Kiplinger at KIPP DC Headquarters for the amazing graphic design work.


-Encore Stage and Studio for lending us the printing press


-Brian Wells and The Music and Theatre Company for the amazing props


-Theatre Lab for Pulitzer's desk


-The Keegan Theatre for the mobile stair units


-Lucas Hewitt and Century High School for the scaffolding


-Christian Smith for putting together the scaffolding


-Alex Davis for lending a hand with lights


-Neptune Pringle and Bryan Miller for saving the day with sound and lights!


-Arena Stage for hosting our entire cast for a viewing of a professional production of Newsies and a meet-the-cast workshop


-The KCP Parent Organization (KPO) for assisting with performance operations


-Erin and Nick Schneeman for your continued support of our theatre program


-The many parents of cast members who contributed snacks and meals for our long rehearsals: Melissa Hannon, Miriane and Ruphin Nguele, Tamika Lathon, Deondola and Brad Lewis, Nicole Cook, Sabrina Everett, and probably more who I am forgetting! 


-Every parent and family member of the Newsies cast, for allowing your amazing children to spend so much time rehearsing, dancing, singing, and finding their place in the world. They are incredible and we appreciate you.


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