Samantha, Amy and I are so grateful for all the assistance that we receive throughout the rehearsal process; we’re going to try to thank everyone but if you don’t see your name here, please forgive us. We have so much help that it’s very difficult to keep track.
To the administrative staff of Joyce Kilmer School and the Milltown School District, thank you for your unending support of the play. We are so grateful.
A shout out to the custodial staff, in particular Kathy Redding, who regularly go above and beyond the call of duty. We couldn’t do it without you! (Also, Tom, we miss you but best of luck in your new position!
To the costume moms, I think you are the committee that is on hand for the greatest part of the rehearsal process. You do amazing work! (please check out the special note that Amy wrote for you as well!)
Jennifer Spisso, running sound is not an easy job, but you make it look that way Much gratitude for EVERYTHING you do for us; it’s a long list.
I love that I never even have to worry about tickets. They are gently taken from my hands from day one and your hands are FAR more capable than mine! Thank you to Andi Fontana, Kaitlin Miller, Sue Reed and Cindy Regan.
I think you, the audience, appreciates the work of the concessions committee almost as much as we do! Many thanks to Tammy Sullivan, Jeanine Fama, Kristen Lloyd, Maritza Trujillo, Susan Johnson and Kelly Chilakos.
The cast kisses committee is so creative in coming up with fun items for you to give to your favorite cast or stage crew member. Thank you to Melissa Geiger, Jessica Woods, Christine Favorito and Jennifer Ayres.
True confessions: one of my least favorite tasks is scanning ads, because computers hate me. Jessica Wrisley, thanks to the moon and back for taking that burden off of my shoulders.