Scene 1: The Almaelou Office
An English Teacher
Rosie, Albert
Scene 2: Sweet Apple, Ohio
The Telephone Hour
Teen Chorus
Scene 3: The MacAfee House
How Lovely To Be A Woman
Scene 4: Penn Station, New York
Penn Station Transition
Teen Girls
Put On A Happy Face
Albert, Teen Girls
A Healthy, Normal American Boy
Rosie, Albert, Reporters 1 & 2, Adult Chorus, Teen Chorus, Kids Chorus
Scene 5: Sweet Apple Station
One Boy
Kim, Ursula, Deborah Sue, Margie, Alice, Penelope Ann, Nancy Helen
Scene 6: Sweet Apple Courthouse
Honestly Sincere
Conrad, Full Company
Scene 7: The MacAfee House
Hymn for a Sunday Evening
Mr. & Mrs. MacAfee, Kim, Randolph
Scene 8: Backstage at Central Movie Theater
Rosie, Albert, Mae Peterson, Gloria Rasputin, Hugo Peabody
Scene 9: The Ed Sullivan Broadcast
One Last Kiss
Conrad, Full Company
A Healthy, Normal American Boy (reprise 2)
Albert, Full Company
What Did I Ever See In Him?
Rosie, Kim
Scene 2: The MacAfee House
A Lot of Livin' To Do
Conrad, Kim