Footloose - April 22 - April 24, 2016

Johnston Senior High School

  End Notes  

Notes from the Director


 Welcome everyone to Johnston High School’s production of Footloose. It has been a pleasure directing this musical. Many of us remember the original 1984 movie staring Kevin Bacon as a fun music filled movie. While the storyline is the same, there are a few key differences. The biggest of which is the stage version’s focus on family. This focus has allowed us to explore how we communicate with the people we love and how what we say and do can affect others. While the main conflict with the town remains the ban on dancing and rock and roll music, it is the idea of family that is at the root of the problem.


I would like to thank Don and Deb Henry and Greg Boeschen for their help with the set. They organized and ran all the set builds for the construction of the set you see before you. Thank you to all the parents, cast and crew that were a part of the set builds. To Jill Boeschen and Jane McDowell for their work with the costumes. They did an awesome job finding, making, and helping students with their costumes. Next Ellen Hammond, the prop Queen! She was the one who found all the wonderful extra set pieces and props the students used for the show. Thank you to Ellen along with her friend Julie Neve for their work in painting the set. You ladies did an amazing job. Thank you to all the parents and students who helped in all the big and little ways. Finally, thank you to the administration for their continued support of the arts in Johnston, and thank you to my wife and family for their patience, understanding and support during the whole process. I am sure I am missing someone and I apologize but know that it I am thankful to all that have contributed to the production in some way, shape, or form.  


So sit back and enjoy the show!!


Jeremy Fitzpatrick



Chris Dockum



Chris Dockum is pleased to be back at his alma mater of JHS.  As a senior, he played Marcellus in the 2011 production of The Music Man.  Since graduating from Johnston, he has attended the University of Iowa, where he studies music education. He will be graduating in May, following his student teaching experience at JHS and Beaver Creek Elementary School.

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