Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka KIDS - May 31 - June 01, 2024

John Lewis Elementary School


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Greetings John Lewis Community and Friends!


Come with us…and you'll be…in a woooorld of pure imagination!


Our John Lewis students and Performing Arts team have put in tremendous effort to bring you a high-quality production of Willy Wonka, Kids! You'll be delighted to see all our performers including our Pre-K Oompa Loompas, Willy, Veruca, Charlie, and the rest of our talented cast in action! I am incredibly proud of their dedication and talent.


As a School-wide Enrichment Model school, we believe in extending learning beyond classroom walls and continuously seeking creative ways to nurture our students' diverse gifts and talents. Since 2017, our theatre program has allowed students to explore their creativity, express themselves, and showcase their talent.


We extend our immense gratitude to Ms. Strother, Ms. Schooler, Ms. Dixon, Ms. Ramirez, Ms. Smith, and everyone involved, teachers, staff, parents, and community members, for their hard work and collaboration in creating this wonderful experience for our students and families. Sit back, relax, and prepare for an unforgettable performance of Willy Wonka, Kids!


In partnership,


Principal Jackson


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