Thank you to all of the JFK Community who have made this production possible. We would like to especially acknowledge the work of Ms. McNamara, Ms. Carlson, and Ms. Khwaja who have done such a great job preparing this amazing cast of sixty-eight students. You have found a way of making each student feel unique and special in their role!
This production is also possible thanks to the Canton High School Performing Arts community who support our staff and assist with set building, tech week and production. Thank you for lending all your expertise.
A very big shout out to all the parents and family members who have supported their students since October in so many ways. You have helped your student attend rehearsals, helped them practice lines and choreography at home, volunteered your time and supported the playbill. Your students are shining tonight because of you, BRAVO!
A special thank you to Danielle MacIsaac who went above and beyond with costume design, the performers look amazing!
Without everyone's support this production would not be possible, thank you to everyone who helped big and small!
And finally congratulations to the Fifth Grade Cast and Crew! We are so proud of all your hard work, and what you have accomplished in such little time! Enjoy every minute of this special weekend, you deserve it!
Break a Leg!
JFK CAPT Community