This Production would only be possible through the incredible efforts of the following individuals:
The JCHS Theatre Boosters:
Nikki Ellis, Caryl White, Kimberly Vlasto, Jaime Haines, Lisa Montgomery, Andrea Carroll and Jen Trent
Our Administration Team at JCHS:
Kevin Tyson, Alycia Hakes, Solomon Wright, Melissa Sargeant, Tara Woolever, Davinia Johnson, David Scott
Our Bookkeeper:
Rita Giampaoli
Our Fine Arts Specialist:
Mark Rogers
Our Fine Arts Supervisor:
Michael Pierson
Our Fine Arts Team at JCHS:
Adam Foreman, Director of Bands
Jason Miller, Director of Bands
Melanie Robison, Director of Choir
Eun Bit Seo, Director of Orchestra
Brittany Ebhardt, Director of Visual Arts
Regina Butler, Director of Visual Arts
One of our amazing Champe librarians, Sarah Anderson, for her creation of Show Art of 2020-2021 School Year
Reston Shirts for creation of FKL 2021 Marketing Art
My incredible family and friends who keep me going!
and finally, our audience. Thank you for your support!