What’s the old saying? The third time is the charm! Mr. Beck and I have tried to produce ON THE TOWN two other times; once the year hurricane Katrina hit, (that sure wasn’t a good time to do it) and once here at Jesuit (the casting didn’t work out, so we did The Producers). This time, the casting fell into place, and with the students totally on board to take on the challenges of this show, we finally bring it to you.
And what a challenge it is! The dance choreography includes ballet, tap, and partner dancing. The Bernstein score demands a lot of the singers and musicians. The set crew has done tons of period research, learned to follow design plans, and to use perspective techniques. And all of these aspects come together to make the show as seamless and smooth as possible. Magic!
I cannot imagine trying to do this show with anyone but Mr. Kenny Beck, ’79 as choreographer. In the fifteen years we have worked together, both in our current roles and as performers, I have witnessed his amazing skill in bringing out the very best in actors and dancers; whether they be of great training and accomplishment, or what we in the industry call a “moves well” on an audition form. I love to watch the process. Mr. Kenny can perform a complicated tap step and then break it down to its most basic elements for a student to fully “get it.” I’ve watched him slightly shift a posture or demonstrate a position to refine a pretty ballet step into a beautiful moment of grace on stage. He never “dumbs down” the terminology, but teaches the language of dance as well as the movements. I truly love how proud the students are when they tackle a complicated lift or step, and how tickled and proud Mr. Kenny is of them. (Our gentlemen have definitely learned that dancing is a great way to “pick up” ladies… literally and figuratively.)
My appreciation also extends to our Creative Team: Our costumer, “Grandma Dee” Allen, whose grandson, Connor, graduated last year, but she’s stuck around to help me make my vision of the show come true. Mr. Ryan Migliore, ’11, our Jesuit Alumni Service Corps member and wonderful rehearsal and show accompanist. Mr. Ron Goldberg, our amazing Technical Director, who takes a modest budget and a motley bunch of students and turns them into a “Super Crew.” Mr. Jason Giaccone, our conductor, who has joined the Phils both on stage and behind the scenes with relish. Of course, none of this would be possible without the support of our parents and families, and particularly the officers and parents in our “Phils Phriends” parents club.
I want to particularly speak to our seniors who are leaving us: Adam, Ben, Bridget, Cameron, Cecilia, Emily, Henry, Paul, Solomon, Sterling, Thomas, & Zack… I am so proud of you and the young adults you have become. I wish for you just enough bitter to make you truly appreciate the sweet in life. Continue to pursue and support the arts. Remember that good enough is never good enough and the right way is often the hard way. Never compromise your integrity or reputation. Always be kind to others and learn from all around you. Travel! Most of all, never forget that your talent is your gift from God, what you do with that talent is your gift back to God. The theatre is magic, there is magic in the theatre. Thanks for sharing the magic with me & keep in touch. - MsA
What a great, classic musical to prepare for our 100th anniversary as the Philelectic Society and 50th anniversary of young ladies on our stage. Thanks for supporting the arts at Jesuit!
Enjoy the show!
Kate Arthurs-Goldberg, M.A.