Huck Finn - January 22 - January 24, 2015

Jesuit High School


Director’s Note:


For the first time in my 9 years of involvement with the Phils, we were presented with a problem at the conclusion of the audition process for The Crucible. The dilemma was that after selecting the cast for the show, we would be turning away more students than we were using. When you have so many talented individuals with a vested interest in theatre, you have to foster and kindle that interest while it is still young or it may just die out. Consequently, a decision was made among the creative staff of the Phils to stage an additional show that would allow us to feature the entire pool of auditioners and give everyone the opportunity to flex their acting muscle. Thus, this production was born.


When we found out that a one-act adaptation of Mark Twain’s classic novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, was available, the pieces began to fall into place. We knew we would be staging the Senior Directed One-Act play festival in January which would give us plenty of time to prepare the cast while not interfering with the rehearsal process and performances of The Crucible. Rehearsals soon began in late October, first in a classroom and eventually moving into the auditorium and onto the stage. We explained to the actors that this production features an abridged script and would be performed in a black-box style. The condensed nature of the script meant that every line would have to be committed to memory with little room for variation. The language would be essential in keeping the audience informed from scene to scene and filling in the gaps in the story line. Without elaborate sets, the actors would have to rely on their own acting abilities to keep the audience engaged and help carry the story forward. All of which they have done without reservation.


With so many new actors, this production had many hurdles to face before rehearsals began. These students rose to the challenge, and I could not be more proud of this cast. I would also like to especially thank my stage manager, Trey Hoard, for successfully rising to the challenge of being in a leadership role so early in his career with the Phils. The production you will see tonight is the culmination of many hours of work by many individuals. I, unfortunately, do not have the space to thank everyone by name, but we could not have succeeded without their help. So to everyone; cast, crew, parents, volunteers, etc.; consider this:


“Thunder is good, thunder is impressive; but it is lightning that does the work.”

-Mark Twain




Special Thanks


Jimmy Huck; Bro. Dardis, S.J. '56; & the JHS Maintenance Crew


The Administration, Staff, & Faculty of Jesuit High School


Debbie Hill & the gracious Parents of the Phils


Charlie Hurston of Charlie Hurston Cattle


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