From our Director
The Drowsy Chaperone is a show full of big things - big personalities, big songs, and big moments. That's why this show captivated me; we have some big talent and we have students who deserve a chance to grow into the big spaces this show has to offer. And I believe they have done just that. On top of the qualities of the show, The Drowsy Chaperone reminds us of one of the reasons that the arts exist: to take us to another realm and transport us to a place that brings us comfort and happiness. The theatre in particular can carry us to a time when life seemed easier, the moments we want to relive and play over and over again in our minds and hearts.
Ultimately, I truly wish that this is what you experience here with us today. We want you to be transported so that maybe you can forget about your worries just for a little while. And in the end, perhaps you'll leave here with a new memory or two to look back on "when you're feeling blue." Then we will have succeeded.
Thank you as always for your continued support of our kids, our program, and our school. Your contributions create dozens of great moments for these amazing students to look back on for the rest of their lives with fondness and joy. Please keep it up, and "Live while you can!"
Kyle Broady

Kyle Broady is the choral director and musical theatre teacher at Jeffersonville High School. Previously at Jeff High he has been the director for 13 and The Theory of Relativity and the musical director for Oklahoma, 9 to 5 and Urinetown (sadly, not performed). Outside of Jeff High, he has also musically directed shows for the Rose Theatre Company at Assumption High School and at The University of Louisville as well as serving as pit musician and rehearsal assistant for Act Louisville Productions. He currently resides in Jeffersonville with his wife Sarah and his three sons and is thrilled to be directing and teaching at his alma mater.