Matilda - May 05 - May 07, 2023

James Island Charter High School

  JICHS Administration  

Mr. Timothy Thorn, Principal


Mrs. Carrie Holland,

Associate Principal for the Performing Arts

Ms. Melissa Kemp, Assistant Principal

Mr. Danny Maxwell, Assistant Principal

Ms. Donnia Richardson, Assistant Principal

Mr. Archie Temoney, Assistant Principal






We are ecstatic to produce Matilda The Musical for you this year after taking a small hiatus since the 2019 premier of Shrek The Musical. We are glad that our Musical Theater program has bounced back from a global pandemic and that scheduling difficulties are in the rearview mirror! This production has a few firsts: It is the first musical where the entire Performing Arts Department has been able to collaborate together on a project, it is the first time we have ever showcased our talent in two casts, and it is the first time we have a live student pit band rather than pre-recorded tracks. It makes for a truly live musical experience. Thank you for supporting live theater and these hard-working students. Continue sending us your best and brightest high school students in James Island and Charleston!


Thank you to all the singers, actors, and musicians collaborating on this project. We couldn't have done this without many hours of planning and leaning on some talented people with many gifts to pull off this entire show. Thank you to Michael Farrier and John Quinn for their dedication and many hours of help with sets and artwork. We couldn't get our production just right without the talents of Taylor Keathley as our sound technician or Nick Coluccio as our Light Designer. Thank you to the JICHS Administration, who continue to believe in this small but mighty Performing Arts department and its talented students. We couldn't do it without Mr. Thorn, Ms. Holland, and the rest of your support! Thank you to all the teachers who brought their students to our Preview last Monday to support us and help get our campus excited about our production.


Finally, thank you to all the supportive families that encourage their children to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Musical Theater teaches so many life

and teamwork skills needed in the real world!



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