Kimberley Moan
as Cinderella's Stepmother
Kimberly Moan is excited to be in the woods this year, though it's fearful, though it's deep, though it's dark and though she may lose the path, but with the help of Blackwell, Hawreliak, and Cumberland she knows she will be able to make it out easily. Kim has played Mary, for a Nativity scene, and Violet in Charlie Brown's Christmas. She thanks her family and friends for their support.
Kimberly Gutierrez
as Florinda
Kimberly Gutierrez was born in Los Angeles, California and moved to Edmonton only two years ago. She has been involved with choral music for many years now and was also part of Page's "Beauty and the Beast" production last year. She would like to thank her friends, family, and teachers.
Barbara Friesen
as Granny
Barbary Friesen is in her first performance as Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother. She is currently in grade eleven and is taking several AP courses. She enjoys learning new things from languages to history to random facts. When she's not learning, she's playing video games or obsessing over TV shows. Barbara thanks her family, her dog, and Mr. Blackwell for this wonderful opportunity.
Chalane Taylor
as Jack
Chalane Taylor is a Grade Eleven student and is excited to perform in her first high school musical as "Jack". Chalane would like to thank her family and friends for all their support. Special thanks to Mr. Blackwell, Ms. Cumberland, and Ms. Hawreliak for the courage and assistance they provided to one and all. Enjoy the show!
Jennifer Galm
as Jack's Mother
Jennifer Galm is thrilled to be joining the cast as Jack's Mother in her third and final year of Musical Theatre at J. Percy Page. As a student, Jennifer has been involved in numerous artistic and theatrical endeavours including serving as Student Director for this production, the Lead Cappies Critic this year, playing Cogsworth in Beauty and the Beast, as well as playing the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz. Jennifer would like to extend deepest gratitude to all of her teachers, especially Mr. Blackwell, for their enduring support and assistance through her high school journey.