Jerry Barta
as The Wizard of Oz
Jerry Barta is an enthusiastic and regular member of J. Percy Page Drama productions. His face is familiar to all of those who enjoy improv theatre and interpretive dance. Though Jerry wasn't able to submit his own bio, the editors are certain he would like to thank Mr. Blackwell for his inspirational leadership and unfailing support.
Shay Berke
as Aunt Em
Shay Berke is a passionate and committed member of the J. Percy Page Drama family. She has appeared in a number of different productions and is also an avid supporter and advocate for our thriving GSA community. Though she wasn't able to submit her own bio, the editors are certain Shay would like to thank her fellow cast and crew members and, of course, Mr. Blackwell for his passion and vision.
Mawel Carandang
as Glinda, the Good Witch
Mawel Carandang, playing the role of Glinda, is really glad to be a part of The Wizard of Oz. A grade twelve student at J. Percy Page School, this is her first musical and she is very excited to act and sing on stage. Mawel participated in a number of plays in the Philippines. She enjoys playing guitar and drawing. She would like to thank Mr. Blackwell for the opportunity to perform on stage.
Shaun Fisk
as Uncle Henry
Shaun Fisk, playing Uncle Henry, loves acting and loved being involved in the production of The Wizard of Oz. Shaun also loves speaking in third person. Following the yellow brick road has been wonderful experience for him and he is grateful for the many new friends he made during rehearsals. Shaun wants to thank you all for coming and he hopes you enjoy the show and music.
Jennifer Galm
as The Tin Woodman
Jennifer Galm is very excited to be performing in The Wizard of Oz this year. While this is her first appearance on the high school stage, she has appeared in multiple productions at the Junior High Level and with the Alberta Lyrical Theater. Jennifer would like to thank her family and Ms. Neufeld for their unwavering support.