Jacob Pettepher
as Nathan Detroit
I love the theater so much, it feels like home.
Dakota Walker
as Miss Adelaide (Tues. & Thurs.)
Dakota plays Miss Adelaide and General Cartwright. In previous years, she was involved in Cinderella Jr, Annie Jr, and this year, Guys and Dolls Jr. She's very excited to play such a big part of this year's play.
Jett Flentje
as Sky Masterson
He took chorus in fourth and fifth grade and wishes he had joined JJ's. He was "Herb the Verb" in third grade for his schools parts of speech play. He is an avid reader and loves to sing karaoke.
Arsema Getachew
as Sara Brown (Tues. & Thurs.)
Mason Porter
as Benny Southstreet
He is very excited about performing in this show. This is his first year in musical theater yet his 5th year in chorus. He may very funny and amusing but he definitely gives his best effort in performances.