Bonnie & Clyde - April 23 - April 26, 2014

Island Coast High School



This production would not have been possible without the assistance of the following: 


Arnie Epstein, my second dad, has put in countless hours making everything on the stage work beautifully and safely for the students. Even though tarpon hunting season began weeks ago, he has been on the ICHS campus for hours every day to volunteer his time for these students. I could not have done this without you!


Catherine Epstein, my dear mother, has taken time off work, cooked for us during 17 hour days, kept Savannah for FCAT week, shopped for props, and listened to countless hours of discussion and planning for this production. Mama, you are my rock. 


Aaron Jackson came in just a few weeks ago and in just enough time to allow me to take care of all of the loose ends and details that needed my attention. I could only step into the pit with our band because he was there to keep pushing the kids and tweaking every move they make on the stage. Aaron, thank you for your faith in me and my kids and for never giving up because it's "too much work." 


Zach Deeter, our fantastic ICHS band guy, for not only being our ridiculously talented reed 1 player but for greeting me every morning with, "hanging in there?" and "how can I help today?" ICHS could not have chosen a better director for our band program.


Matt Koller has been my constant support at home and at rehearsal these past few weeks. His constant asking, "what can I do?" and "what do you need today?" has allowed me to focus on bringing these kids closer to excellence in their performance. Thank you for believing in me and my students! 


Many thanks to the ICHS administration, especially Kim Baxa and Kristin Bueno for their support throughout the school year. I cannot imagine a more supportive team. Thank you for caring for our arts program and our students!


Thank you to our custodial staff for putting up with our late nights and set building messes!


 Special thanks to:


Tracie  Bauknight

Clete Trimmer of Auto FX for the use of his Model A

Florida Repertory Theatre

Michele Hamstra and Creative Theatre Workshop

Roger Montgomery

Beth Everhart

Rosie Perez

Scott Guelcher

Col. Glenn Steffenhagen

Holly LeLand

Bob Kelly

Bryanna Walker

Christian Koller

Elizabeth Spear

Fort Myers High School






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