Seussical TYA - November 22 - November 24, 2013

Ionia High School


The Ionia High School musical production team greatly appreciates the assistance of many people in producing our show.  In particular, we wish to thank those listed here.


     The biggest “Thank You!” goes to all of the parents who support our amazing students with their encouragement, transportation, sustenance and patience!


  • Thank you to Ionia Public Schools maintenance and custodial staff for all you do, including Dave Morris and Bill Wagner for helping to focus lights.  Thank you also to Cheryl Foster for all the work involved with scheduling Watt Auditorium.  


  • Thank you to Ionia Community Theatre and its Board of Directors for all your support and encouragement of young talent in our community.  We also greatly appreciate the loan of costumes and properties that make our show look fantastic.


  • Thank you to Beth Davis at Welch High School for the loan of set pieces.


  • Thank you to the Elementary schools and Principals who allowed us to come and visit.  All of our students had a marvelous time!

  • Thank you to all the local businesses that support us by purchasing ads or displaying posters, helping us to publicize in our community.


  • Thank you to Trish Eppler for offering to be the Director's Personal Assistant.  You are a lifesaver!


  • Thank you, Tony Mapes, for letting me rope you into another production, which greatly needed your expertise.


Please, if anyone was forgotten, we offer our sincerest apologies.  This production could not have reached the stage without all of you!








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Thank you!


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